Keep Track on Ice

As sports will always remain a competitive activity, keeping track of progress with players is vital to grow in skill. This app was made to be able help keep track of hockey practice stats between training goal keepers by coaches or supportive parents.
This project is done in collaboration with Brainy Apps LLC.

Branding & Design

It is easy to fall back to cliche colours of Blue & Red when sports are involved. Mark decided to test a vibrant colour palette to keep a sense of distinction and currency. A controlled hot scheme should entice the user to use the app with gusto. The clean interface also promotes ease in usability as well as sticking close to the colour scheme of ice.

A nuance of vibrant colours has been chosen to align with current styles. Some line artwork and related tones give the logo its cohesive look.

A nuance of vibrant colours has been chosen to align with current styles. Some line artwork and related tones give the logo its cohesive look.

It took a "Mighty Ducks" marathon to keep the creative juices flowing in the creation of the UI of this app.

It took a "Mighty Ducks" marathon to keep the creative juices flowing in the creation of the UI of this app.