Daily Goals

This app is a functional to-do list made to cater all industries and personal use with the focus of simplicity as the main creative handle. This is a no-nonesense app which is customisable to suit even the busiest of people. 
This project is done in collaboration with Brainy Apps LLC.



The Daily Goals logo is a play of different To-Do assets. This was done to help reduce mental clutter. Each asset is also made in this manner to keep the list content as the main priority to the user. This project is done in collaboration with Brainy Apps LLC.

A simple logo with the "O" looking like a radial button, a progress pie chart, and a checklist ticker fused into one form, speaks "To-do List" fully.

A simple logo with the "O" looking like a radial button, a progress pie chart, and a checklist ticker fused into one form, speaks "To-do List" fully.

The interface is made to be read in one glance, similar to that of a pen-&-paper type todo list. It is clean and functional for daily use.

The interface is made to be read in one glance, similar to that of a pen-&-paper type todo list. It is clean and functional for daily use.