La Vie Parisienne
A company built with trust
All the work that comes with branding requires detail and consistency. For 4 years, Mark has developed the LVP brand through its art direction and graphic design. He has created a logotype from the desired direction of vintage hand lettered works and has made a font from this. Some works over the years are also compiled
La Vie Parisienne was born out of pure haste from Chateau de France, a brand and business supposedly sold to a Mall tycoon. So Initially, the logo has been made out of an existing font. Mark’s guess was that because the name doesnt inspire anything other than knowing that it is french, no real need for smartness was concluded. Although the font is truly of French Taste.
The year 2016 brought about the desire to change the logo. From a recent trip to France, he has given Mark a reference to a legendary graphic artist, Louise Fili. Inspired by hand-lettered lettering works, Mark created the new branding and a typeface from scratch with Copperplate as the default accompanying font.
Bringing Lil’France inside the mall
With the mall’s limited space, there is no better feeling than to defy odds. the client had this wonderful idea to place a decked platform on top of the area given to mark the space. This was done with a narrow platform and beautiful wooden tiles. The modular kiosk was also created to house the chillers, the ovens, the mobile water systems, the freezers and the appliances. Mark is responsible for laying the plans given the exact sizes of the appliances.
From the completion of this kiosk installation comes success. La Vie Parisienne lives up to the name of wowing people with creativity and ingenuity. Up until today, this indoor kiosk holds not only sweet and savory parstries and breads, but also a style which keeps the people guessing.
Industrial Design for an Ice Cream Cart
With the success of a previous cart project, comes another instance under the brand. A more solid design has been administered complete with curved mouldings and decorative protrusions. This design was created out of the later deal to place La Vie Parisienne inside the mall. This beautiful cart complements the modular design given the limits to space, yet it still retains the functionality of an ice cream cart which is powered in full to keep the tem- peratures in cosistent check. The miracle here is the wooden enclosure’s detail. This was then patented under the company GM as the applicant and Mark Sy as the designer in the Philippines to avoid copycats.
La Vie Parisienne’s success flowed as the concept of affordable luxury made its way to a harsh and critical market known as “Cebuanos” (term used to describe people living in Cebu). The need to actualise success was fulfilled in the interior design and LED Technology installations LVP has introduced. Likewise, the graphic design has to stay consistent. It is then that La Vie Parisienne finally was able to make a mark, even until today.